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Interview Tips – LFH Community

Interview Tips

Here are a few tips Living Family History wishes to share in hopes of making your interview process easier and more rewarding.

Tips When Getting Ready to Interview Someone

  1. To get the most from your family history session, be as prepared as possible.
  2. Inform the subject of the purpose of the interview and who will see the data.
  3. Prepare your questions in advance.
  4. Pick a place free from interruptions.
  5. Be sure to set aside a quiet time.
  6. Use photos, mementos, or other visual aids to jog your subjects memory.
  7. Ask your subject to prepare a few stories in advance, go through them together and ask, “Why are they your favorites?”

Don’t force anyone to discuss something they are uncomfortable discussing.

Options for recording your interview can be? digital voice recorder, video camera,  or smartphone.

  1. Be sure to test all equipment before starting.
  1. Realize that most people have a few key defining moments or crossroads in their lives. 
  2. Remember these are your loved ones so tune your ears to stories that make them who you’ve grown to love!
  3. If you don’t complete the interview in one sitting, setup a date to resume your conversation later.